The TED HOSE/SURGERICAL STOCKINGS must be worn during the day for approximately 2 weeks after KNEE Surgery.

Patients may shower on the 3rd day following surgery.  You do not need to use any special soap, but you may use the antibacterial soap prior to surgery.  When you get out of the shower; pat dry your incision.  It is not necessary to keep the incision covered.  DO NOT BATHE OR SOAK IN BATHTUBS, HOT TUBS OR POOLS UNTIL TWO WEEKS AFTER SURGERY.

You may start driving when you are comfortable on a cane or you are not using day time prescription pain medications, with the exception of Tylenol.  For patients who had a hip replacement, this is typically 1-4 weeks and patients who had a knee replacement please allow 2-6 weeks.

Most of your home medications that were stopped prior to your surgery will be resumed after you leave the hospital.  There may be exceptions to this but this will be clarified at the time of your discharge from the hospital.  DO NOT RESUME OTHER NSAID’S UNITL CELEBREX COURSE IS COMPLETED. (10 DAYS AFTER DISCHARGE FROM THE HOSPITAL)

You will need to take Aspirin 81mg TWICE A DAY after surgery for 30 days.  THIS IS A MUST and will help prevent blood clots.

Patients typically use the walker for 1-2 weeks’ post-surgery and then progress to a cane.  Your Physical Therapist will help you decide when you are ready to make this transition.  The hospital will provide you with a walker prior to your discharge home unless one has already been provided.

Usually, patients will participate in physical therapy for 3-4 weeks after surgery.  This may be less for patients undergoing a primary hip replacement.

Returning to work depends on many factors, it is important to remember we work for you and we will help you in obtaining the proper amount of time off to complete your rehabilitation.

Pain medications can be refilled through our office.  It may be beneficial to call in the morning Monday thru Thursday.  We suggest you call in for a refill when you begin running low (ex. 20 pills or less) Please do not wait until the last minute to refill your medications.  Refills will not be available on Friday’s or weekends.

A significant number of patients have difficulty sleeping after surgery, especially after a knee replacement. Most patients average 2-4 hours of sleep at a time.  When you wake up, consider taking some pain medication or going for a short walk to help with the stiffness that occurs after surgery.  Also try Benadryl 25mg-50mg to help with sleep.

This is very common, and probably due to a combination of medications and pain.  It is important that you maintain a healthy diet after surgery.  You may consider adding a complete nutritional shake (ex: Boost or Ensure) to your diet to ensure that you get adequate number of calories following surgery.

You may resume sexual activities when you feel well enough, and it makes sense to you as the patient.  We have a packet available for patients who have had a hip replacement.

Current recommendations from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and also the American Dental Association NO LONGER REQUIRE premedication for patients who have undergone a hip or knee replacement.  Certain circumstances might require you to do so, so please check with your primary care physician or cardiologist.

Approximately 3-6 weeks after surgery, but you may start to use the treadmill or bicycle sooner for motion based on activities.  You may get into the pool after 2 weeks as long as the incision is completely dry.

Your new prosthetic will cause most metal detectors to go off.  It is a good idea to let security know of your new prosthesis before you go through security.  You do not need an implant card.

A new multimodal IV based general anesthetic will most likely be used during surgery.  This protocol is designed to minimize use of narcotics and no inhalational anesthesia agents are used.  However, as with any procedure, the anesthesiologist will make the final determination of what is best for your anesthetic.

The warmth is due to the inflammation and may last up to 1 year after surgery.  The numbness is present due to skin nerves that are cut during the time of surgery.  Generally, the numbness will resolve, however, it may take up to 1 year, especially in the lower outer quarter of your knee.

Although you are able to kneel, you may choose not to, secondary to discomfort. Most patients describe kneeling as “weird or uncomfortable”.  However, it will not damage the prosthesis.

Remember not to use any lotions until after your wound is healed.  You can use Vitamin E oil or a product called Mederma, which helps reduce the appearance of the scar.  Make sure you apply sunscreen to your scar for the first several months after surgery.

Constipations can be a problem after your surgery secondary to medications and inactivity.  Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating a diet high in fiber.  You are recommended to take milk of magnesia as needed and daily Colace.  A combination of prune juice, butter and milk of magnesia in equal parts can be used for severe constipation.